Domkal Girls’ College
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by the UGC u/s 2(f)
NAAC Accredited with Grade B+
AISHE ID: C-53416
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Stipends and Scholarships

Our students may avail many Govt./Non-Govt. Scholarships and Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme by applying the same and on production of all supportive documents.

1. Government Scholarship Schemes
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1 SVMCM Scholarship (Swami Vivekananda Metric Cum Means Scholarship Scheme) - Govt. of WB
2 Kanyashree Scheme-Govt. of WB
3 Aikyashree Scholarship (West Bengal Minorities Development and Financial Cooperation-Govt. of WB.)
4 National Scholarship Scheme
5 Nabanna Scholarship-(Chief Minister Relief Fund, Govt. of WB)
6 OASIS Scholarship(Post Matric Scholarship for SC/ST/OBC Students by WBBCWD)- Govt. of WB

2. Non-Government Scholarship Schemes

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1 Sitaram Jindal Scholarship (Sitaram Jindal Foundation)
2 KC Mahindra Merit Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG/PG Courses( KC Mahindra Educational Trust)
3 GP Birla Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses (GP Birla Education Foundation)
4 Swami Dayanand Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses (Swami Dayananda Education Foundation)
5 Anant Merit Scholarship Scheme for pursuing UG Courses

3. Institutional Scholarship Scheme

In addition to the above, our College extends free studentship to a considerable number of poor but regular and meritorious students.