Domkal Girls’ College
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by the UGC u/s 2(f)
NAAC Accredited with Grade B+
AISHE ID: C-53416
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ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE AUDITING (AAA) Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) is the process of evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of an academic institution. The college conducts AAA at regular intervals to review the programmes and academic activities in the departments and in the institution. AAA involves a peer review process including a self-evaluation and a site visit by peers from inside and outside the institution. The aim of AAA is to analyse and evaluate the institution’s academic and administrative processes. It enables the institute to improve the quality of the institution. It ensures the proper use and effectiveness of the systems, infrastructure, practices, Human Resources, and facilities in the practice of the institution. AAA gives an insight into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of the institution. Based on the AAA reports, corrective and enhancive measures are adopted in a futuristic manner.

# SESSION Document
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