Domkal Girls’ College
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by the UGC u/s 2(f)
NAAC Accredited with Grade B+
AISHE ID: C-53416
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Digital Library

ICT has transformed library services globally. Most current information is recorded in electronic format, ICT has also contributed immensely to the performance of librarians in the discharge of their duties such as in cataloguing, reference services, circulation management, serials control. The computers available for the student-teachers to access to electronic resources. The library has also internet and Wi-Fi connection for the staff and students. Digital Library uses following facilities at campus.

  • Library management software:
  • To manage different library routines and processes.

  • OPAC:
  • Online Public Access Catalogue and is the computerized version of the library catalogue or a database of the library holdings.

  • Networking:
  • Students and Faculties can access information of various types such as online databases, e-journals, e- books, government publications digitally through networked systems. Access may be allowed online remotely through the internet or intranets.

  • Institutional Repositories:
  • Digital Library stores publications that originate locally from within the campus community such as thesis, dissertations, reports, conference papers and seminar papers.

  • E- libraries:
  • Digital libraries depend on information recorded on digital formats like CD-ROMS. Virtual libraries are libraries that do not exist in physical space or structure but can be accessed via networks