Domkal Girls’ College
Affiliated to University of Kalyani
Recognised by the UGC u/s 2(f)
NAAC Accredited with Grade B+
AISHE ID: C-53416
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Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

A MoU is an agreement between two institutions for Academic, Cultural, Sports, Extra Curricular Exchange Program, Skill Development, Out Come Based Training, Placement & related services. Both parties agree to join hands and carry out collaborative research work by faculty and students.

Objective of Cooperation

The objective of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to cooperate in educational projects in areas of mutual interest. The purpose of the MoU is to develop cooperation and promote mutual understanding and excellence in practice-based education, research, and knowledge exchange between the parties, so that the research and knowledge developed is used for further research and its application at regional, national, and global levels.

Scope of Cooperation

The Parties agree to implement cooperation programs including but not limited to:

  1. Exchange on best practices.
  2. Faculty and student exchanges.
  3. Curriculum Development.
  4. Skills-based certification courses that are left to the choice of the two parties.
  5. Other areas as mutually agreed upon by the Parties.
Avenues of Educational Exchange

Based on the principles of equality, reciprocity, and mutual benefit, Domkal Girls’ and its Collaborative Institution (MoU) hereby agree to explore the following avenues of educational exchange:

  • Student exchange program.
  • Curriculum development and offering specially designed programs of study.
  • Collaborative seminar.
  • Promoting and encouraging joint research projects and other scholarly cooperation, particularly on Sustainable Development, Minority Development, Linguistics, Medicinal Plants, Environment, and other areas as decided from time to time.
  • Development of academic activities in key areas.
  • Initiating activities to run innovative interdisciplinary courses.
  • Events collaboration to accelerate entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Conducting workshop and training to students and faculty.
  • Academic leadership & Innovation.
  • Pursuing other mutually advantageous undertakings.

1 2024-25 WBREDA
2 2023-24 Al Ameen Memorial Minority College
3 2023-2024 Ramkrishna Mission Vivekannada Centenary College (RKMVCC)
4 2022-23 Dwijendralal College
5 2022-2023 Jibantala Rokeya Mahavidyalaya
6 2022-2023 Mission Green Universe
7 2022-2023 Berhampore Girls College
8 2022-2023 Dumkal College
9 2022-2023 Subhas Chandra Bose Centenary College
10 2022-2023 Murshidabad Adarsha Mahavidyalaya
11 2022-2023 Hereinafter Rice Education
12 2022-2023 Bethuadahari College
13 2022-2023 Dr. Gour Mohan Roy College
14 2022-2023 Plassey College
15 2022-2023 Hazi A.K. Khan College
16 2022-2023 Nur Mohammad Smriti Mahavidyalaya
17 2022-2023 Jangipur College
18 2021-22 Krishnagar Womens College
19 2021-2022 Domkal Karate Association
20 2021-2022 Vidyanagar College
21 2021-2022 Shishuram Das College
22 2021-2022 Lalgola College
23 2021-2022 Ranaghat College
24 2021-2022 Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya
25 2021-2022 Jogesh Chandra Chaudhuri College
26 2019-2020 Jalangi Mahavidyalaya
27 2019-2020 Sundarban Hazi Desarath College